An Initiative of Government of Bihar for Poverty Alleviation

Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society
State Rural Livelihoods Mission, Bihar

Institution and Capacity Building

The objective of the activities under the theme/programme institution and capacity building is to have strong institutions at the community level. To achieve this objective a structured learning and capacity building system is sought to be put in place in the Project. This will broadly include the following activities.

Preparing roster of resource persons at the state, district, block and village level for different areas of CB.
Designing modules for the different training programs with the community operations manual (COM) being the base document.
Organizing key workshops including an introduction to the project and its approach for stakeholders at the state/district/block/panchayat levels and sensitization workshop targeting bankers/financial institutions/public sector/civil society/NGOs.
Developing key modules and materials including the following:
Training for self help groups (SHGs) and federations on:

i)concepts of SHGs, village organizations (VOs) and block level federations (BLFs),

ii)group processes and management,

iii)microfinance operations including fund management and book keeping,

iv)credit prioritization plan,

v)conflict resolution and

vi)social issues.

Additional training for members and leaders of SHGs, VOs and BLFs, and Para-professionals.
Induction module for project staff
Specific training modules for Block Project Implementation Unit (BPIU), District Coordination Unit (DPCU) and State Project Management Unit (SPMU) staff
Other key activities that will be supported by the project falling under Component - 1 would include:


Panchayat Raj Institutions

The objective of this activity is the sensitization of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), especially at the village panchayat level, in the implementation of Government of Bihar (GoB) sponsored social protection programs like Public Distribution System (PDS), pensions, Integrated Child Development Schemes (ICDS), and National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) to effectively target and be made more inclusive of the poor.

Following the October 2006 PRI election in the state wherein nearly 60% of the positions in the Gram Panchayats had been won by women, many from the target communities, there arose a unique opportunity for the project to work with the PRIs. The project has undertaken activities that involve sensitizing and building capacities of the Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) to enable them to respond positively and this is essential to improve access of the poor to the social protection programs of the GoB. The project will also build the capacity of the poor and poorest in the CBOs to understand the various social protection programs, eligibility criteria and access them. The activities include:

Sensitization/ Training of "elected" PRI members: Develop a specialized training program including field visits to Other States were the PRI are working closely with CBOs resulting in better outcomes.
Communication - with the SHG members and the elected officials in the PRI on the citizen rights and obligations.